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Climate Change is Real and it is Not to Late to Stop it

Nov 7

2 min read




Climate change is real even if it does not seem real it is here are several reasons why it is real First, If you go Antarctica or the Artic you can see the ice melting, and scientists have calculate that ice melts at a rate of 260 feet per year and this is bad because under the artic there is permafrost that when it melts it releases a lot of co2. Another way you can see climate change happening is by trying to plant a plant that is native to a dry environment in a dry environment and it will either not grow or it will grow but very slowly. Finally, the last reason why climate change is real is that sense people have started mining and burning fossil fuels all of those things have sped up so lets work to stop using fossil fuels go to the next paragraph to learn about what you can do to help slow climate change. Clearly, climate change is real.

There are several things contributing to global warming and there are several things you can do to stop it. First, The main thing you can do is if you live in a city or close to a town one thing you to help slow global warming is by riding a bike or walking to work, the store, or back home another thing about that is that walking or riding a bike is a lot healthy than taking a car. Another thing you can do is buy or planting plants because plant take co2 out of the air and putting o2 in the air. lastly, If you need to travel farther try to use an electric car because it does not pollute the air. even though it is not to late in about 4-5 years it might be to late. Clearly, climate action is needed soon.

Nov 7

2 min read





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